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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Picking a Style! (3 colors!)

Hey guys, do you have 3 FAVORITE colors that you want to put into an outfit but only know how to work with 2?

That's why I'm here to help you! I have found a good way to combine 3 colors into 1 good outfit! (For me: Red, White and Yellow)

First off, you need a good color hair (I prefer Brown, Blonde or Black. Next, you need to use your 3rd color as a hat and your 2nd main color for headphones (For citizens).
Next, your shirt and neck item! I like using a scarf and an awesome shirt! For this I used a 1st place medal and a white shirt
Next is your lower torso area. I chose red pants and yellow and white shoes. You can use anything but I prefer if the pants match the neck item and the shoes match the shirt.
Lastly, your accessories! I like using wings, they go good with every outfit. Try to match your wings to your pants and scarf, I used Flame wings. Hand items also go perfect with outfits, find something that has at least 1 of the 3 colors in it and use it, I used a rose.
Now you have a PERFECT outfit that uses all 3 of your favorite colors!

Hope you liked this post!
