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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Updates! June 11th-13th

Hai Guys, Just Up for some LOOOONG casual posting!

Lately from 11th-13th of June 2013, I will catch you up!

Recently we have had a new member to the chobots team! Michael, (Art) His New flashy Designer badge is well deserved and I'm sure we will not be disappointed. Congratulations Michael, You really deserve it. So Be sure to Congratulate him when he's on-line and He is accepting all adds, limited time only!
 In other News, Yaniv Has Posted about New Journalist's This Month So Good luck to all of you. The Opportunities of Journalists is endless and it's a great honor to have! All you have to do is comment your user-name and blog link to see if you will get journalist. Good luck again, To all of you. So get your blog spruced up and get excited!
EVEN MORE NEWS!!!! A Huge congratulations to The New Agent Luna! (Anchor) He just Got a frsh new badge to add to his playercard along with a new name. Well deserved you worked hard buddy! Congratulations. Also, Luna would be preferred to be called Luna or Alex not Anchor, Thanks!

And For My final Act of News, If you have checked out the forum they have an awesome new Summer themed header made by Thomas (A forum Mod), Here it is:

Thats All for now!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Research Contest!

Hai Guys,

On chobots. Yaniv has announced that there will be a Research contest been held on the official blog!

The Theme for this research is about summer!

What you have to do is. Use many sources to
find research and interesting facts about summer.
You can do it about anything summer related!

Plus, From NOW you have 1 week (7 days, 189 hours)
Until your entry has to be submitted!

Wish you the Lumps load of luck!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Zipped lips + Four day weekend

Hey Chobots!

So, if you've logged onto Chobots today, you may have noticed that you can't talk. Like seriously, whenever you say something, it doesn't show to anyone else and pops up with a message saying Service Call Error
So, that's why I am stuck typing in tune with music (no, just kidding, that's impossible.. for me)

I hate not having to talk, so I'm stuck doing emotes, trying to communicate with people.. and that's not working out, at all.

HD picture of me trying to tell someone how I feel

Anyways, this weekend, I am having a four day weekend! ;D
Tomorrow (Friday) it's going to be "Teachers only day" so, I'll be able to be on chobots more, then my regular weekend goes on, you know, and then on Monday its the Queens birthday! And on Tuesday, it's her child's birthday! Nah, jk about the childs birthday ;)
So, I'm really excited! Let the long weekend begin, and to school...

That's all!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Agent Drawing Contest!

Hey Guys!

Spencer here, 

Just Like to inform you that there is a new contest on the main blog!

It is a drawing contest, but instead of drawing staff, you get to draw agents!
Yes we know, you just love agents and nothing is better, but you can draw ANY agent ANY way you like! (As Long as it is not offensive!)

                                                                          Thats Me!

Remember to enter , if agents get drawn, it is a really big honor to them! It's what make us want to keep on doing our job. -Grabs Tissue-

I expect some really epic Drawings from you guys as I know you guys can do it because you all rock!

You have until May the 24th, Good luck!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Free Citizenship day!

Hello there!

I have some spectacular news for you all!
As many of you have not experienced the amazing perks of Citizens, it's time to give back to the community, so everybody who logs on Friday, 17th May 2013 will get one day of free citizenship!

                   Graphic by: Mike

I hope to see almost everybody online for this special day!
See you all tomorrow, can't wait to see you with your citizen badge! :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Hey Everyone!

I'm Drytoby, one of the newest authors for Art's Blog!

If you didn't already know, I am an Agent & Journalist in the game of Chobots!
I love the colour, red, love to talk to chobot's, to play sports & to play on my favourite game,!

That's all for this post, I look forward to posting awesome content on this epic blog!

See you soon,

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Staff Updates and Cinema Party Review

Hey Chobots!

First off, The Chobots Experts Team would like to send out a huge congratulations to Twinklefairyx! Twinkle, you've truly shown so much effort and dedication to the world of Chobots and we're all so proud of you. Now, unfortunately  there is some bad news. Our dear friend Max has left the Chobots Team, but he will be missed and we wish him luck with what he plans on doing outside of

Twinkle was approached by the Chobots Team, asking her to join the team which is a huge honor! And, I know that Twinkle is now a huge inspiration to myself, and many others because she is a fine example of if you try hard without giving up, you can achieve anything! So, once again congratulations!

Now, let's move onto the Movie Party that was held at Chollywood! The party began a bit later than expected, but was well worth it. There was some cool animations, an awesome contest held by Jake which is called "Guess It Get It!" where he made us all into stars and the room went dark and we had to guess what the secret item was. If you guessed it first, you were awarded with item! Also, as mentioned before at the party Jake had a huge announcement, which was that Twinklefairyx has been added to the Chobots Team!

Overall the party was a lot of fun, and many users got some sweet prizes so that's always a good thing. Don't worry if you were unable to make it to this party, or were not able to win any of the contests. I'm sure there will be plenty more chances in the near future.

I hope you had fun at the party,